Wizzy's Words AEL | Set 1 – Baby – B

Wizzy's Words AEL | Set 1 – Baby – B

Wizzy’s Words Active Early Learning (AEL)

Laying the foundations for language development, reading and learning

#freeresources for #earlychildhooddevelopment & #learning

Set 1 (A – F) – Baby stage

(Also see video tab on site for accompanying videos | Some actions are ‘reversed’ for clarity)

Use as lullabies for baby when bonding and soothing and then adopt a ‘my turn your turn’ approach when appropriate and share reciting and actions (*also modify rhyme presentation as illustrated below to build on the reflex stage of development).  If sharing with older children add props such as stuffed toys and puppets.  Infants prefer, infant directed speech, often referred to as baby babble or baby talk, in their first year as opposed to adult directed speech.  Infants also soon enjoy music and rhythm, in line with their innate natural rhythm. From hearing to saying to singing and moving in rhythm, all aid early development.  The key spoken words are taken from measures of spoken word frequency.  Wizzy’s Words rhymes contain the oral vocabulary that if developed before school entry is an indicator for successful lifelong learning.

*From birth to 6 months babies generally exhibit involuntary responses to stimuli such as sucking and grasping actions.  From birth we can share physical movements with babies, movements which will promote their motor and sensory development as they progress towards moving independently.  Between 3 and 5 months approximately, babies will independently, start to roll from their back to their front.  By incorporating this rolling action when sharing the rhymes, we are helping baby to move beyond the reflex stage and towards building the gross motor skills, skills needed for rolling, sitting, crawling, walking and running.  (As presented in later AEL sets)



Use naturally in simple floor play times or during nappy changing times during the day

-with baby lying on back, sing line 1 and clap baby’s hands together as if to count

-cross one leg over the over to help baby roll over on to front as sing line 2

-on singing line 3 roll baby back on to back, and cross baby’s arms in hug for baby, ted, and ted under the bed

See overview blog post for full overview of Wizzy’s Words and Wizzy's Words AEL. Please, ask away if you have any questions. Jacqueline  

Wizzy’s Words #freeresources are based on a standalone selection of rhymes

If you decide to buy the book (follow the link to find your preferred retailer (RRP £9.99 – BUT see offers)


Keep it in & around the toybox, house, garden, nursery, classroom… for regular, active, fun, language play



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